{{"Italian Olympiads in Informatics training website" | l10n}}

{{"Welcome to the official training website for OII! Here you will be able to try and solve programming tasks by coding a solution in a programming language of your choice." | l10n}}

{{"Learn progressively" | l10n}}

{{"With algobadge you will be guided through a curated selection of tasks to solve, ordered by increasing difficulty, while being able to explore new algorithmic techniques in a gradual and effective way." | l10n}}

Algobadge »

{{"Challenge yourself" | l10n}}

{{"Challenge yourself by solving problems that appeared at the regional stage of the Italian Olympiads in Informatics. This is a good way to test your knowledge!" | l10n}}

{{"Tasks from regionals" | l10n}} »

{{"Solve more problems" | l10n}}

{{"The wide range of tasks available on this website will allow you to start from the easiest going to the toughest one: in this way you'll improve your programming abilities and your attitude to analyze and deal with hard computational problems!" | l10n}}

{{"Tasks archive" | l10n}} »

{{"Get to know others" | l10n}}

{{"Introduce yourself to other students, discuss the tasks, clear up your doubts on: basic constructs of you programming language, algorithms and data structures, libraries, algorithm techniques, and much more!" | l10n}}

{{"Go to the forum" | l10n}} »

{{"Browse the wiki" | l10n}}

{{"In the official wiki you will find detailed explanations and solutions of past problems, as well as thorough writeups of algorithmic techniques." | l10n}}

{{"Browse the wiki" | l10n}} »

{{"Read the stats" | l10n}}

{{"In the stats portal you will find information about past editions, like the ranking of students that participated before you, as well as which of them went on to compete at the international level." | l10n}}

{{"Read the stats" | l10n}} »