Nazionali e OIS
Problemi per tecnica
Problemi per gara
Problemi per anno
🇮🇹 Italiano
🇬🇧 English
Profilo di DrCesty
francesco rizzello
8455 punti
Problemi risolti
A Break From Videogame
Aggiornamento della macchina virtuale
Alien ABC
An RGB Masterpiece
Animals at the River
Baby Bob's Bracket Sequence
Beta Release
Biglietti a Milano
Bus Trip
Bustine di carte
Buy 3, Pay for 2
Cammino minimo
Can you answer these queries III
Chess Tournament II
Christmas Lights
Coin Change
Comune di Alleib
Corsa contro il tempo
Crittografia RSA
Dangerous Parkour
Desk ordering
Discesa massima
Disk Failure
Disk Failure 2
Do Not Gather!
Dog Trick Competition
Duplicated Usernames
Exam Room
Festa Estiva
Festa di laurea
Find the Treasure
Flappy Bird
Flea on the Number Line
Forgotten Pencil Case
Formula 1
Formula One Race
Game of the Goose
Gelati costosi
George Challenges the Dragon
Grande Muraglia
Greedy Santa
Halloween Candies
Halloween Candies
IP Address
Improve the Team!
Improving Grades
Interval of XOR
Investing in Stocks
Keyboard Shift
Killer Cages
La camera dei cestini
Library of Binaria
Lotteria di quadri
Loud Snacks
Monopoly Board Game
Multiplication Practice
Numero della cabala
Old Typewriter
Operazioni su array
Ordinamento a paletta
Panama Sum
Periodic Words
Pile of books
Pingpong Tournament
Planting trees
Police Investigation
Police Investigation 3
Police Investigation 5
Police Investigation 6
Police Patrol
Police Patrol 2
Pranzo dalla nonna
Precise Average
Precise Average 2
Productivity Prize
Pulizie d'autunno
Quantum Brackets
Rifornimenti ai distributori
Rubabandiera v2
Saddest friend
Sand Buckets
Second Dose
Smart Thermostat
Solving Wordle
Sort the Toy Cars
Soste in autostrada
Stefan Mastering Chess
String Imbalance
Super Marco
Super Marco 2
Swimming Pool
Tieni aggiornato il catalogo
To The Finals
Trending Topics
Tris in solitaria
Tris in solitaria 2
Trova il massimo
Trova il massimo
Trova la parità
Trova la somma pari massima
Truffa contabile
Vending Machines
Word by Word
Words, Just Words
Johnnie Walker
Guess The Sign
Excellent Numbers 2
Episodio IV: tracce di DNA
Fila di grattacieli
Incontri inaspettati II
Chess Tournament
Juggling Shows
Scavi fortunati
K-step Tree
Lowest Common Ancestor
Maybe you already know this problem
Water park
Ancient Text
Police Investigation 4
Police Investigation 7
Binary Chess
Spinning Roulettes
Weak Hash Function
Lottery tickets
Police Investigation 2
Worst Exam Ever!
Tournament Planning
Weird Tree
Fuga da Varaždin
Mappa antica
Giardino di Budrio
Allenamento su ChinaForces
Another Boring Problem
Ant Supercolonies
Azugand City
Connect the Dots
Electrical Power Line
Fibonacci Colonies
Find My Coat
Foto d'epoca
High-Speed Railroad
License Key Generator
Marathon Training
Number Game
Pacchetti corrotti
Palindromic Dreams
Plan for the Worst!
Pub Encounter
Rank Queries on a Tree
Reading Papers
Sfere numerate
Strange Constellations
Subset Count
Sui tetti di Pisa
Sushi bar
Sushi variegato
Tour de Treeland