Nazionali e OIS
Problemi per tecnica
Problemi per gara
Problemi per anno
🇮🇹 Italiano
🇬🇧 English
Accedi / Registrati
Profilo di paolomazza1
Paolo Mazza
33661 punti
Problemi risolti
A Break From Videogame
A Matter of Size
A Tantrum with Consequences
Air Traffic Control
Air Traffic Control II
Algorithmic excursion
Alien ABC
Ancient Text
Animals at the River
Anno luce
Antique Street Lights
Appetito aracnide
Art Gallery Selection
Azugand City
Baby Bob's Bracket Sequence
Back to the Himalayas
Bases Conversion
Battaglia in pizzeria
Beta Release
Big Stonks
Biglietti a Milano
Binary Chess
Bus Excursion
Bus Excursion 2
Bus Trip
Bustine di carte
But It Keeps Getting Faster
Buy 3, Pay for 2
Caesar Cypher
Call for Help
Cammino minimo
Campo minato
Carlo's Library
Chess Tournament
Chess Tournament II
Chief Executive Officer
Christmas Lights
Cicla e moltiplica
Circular monuments
Circus Show
Code Refactoring
Codex Botanicus
Coin Change
Colorful Carpets
Composable Columns
Compulsive Shopping
Compulsive Smartphone Shopping
Connect the Dots
Convegno aziendale
Copyright notice
Corsa contro il tempo
Corso per sommelier
Count the Floors!
Crazy Lights Hotel
Crazy Roller Coaster
Crittografia RSA
Cultural Events
Dangerous Parkour
Delayed Signals
Department blackout
Depurazione dell'acqua
Discesa massima
Do Not Gather!
Drawing Slashes
DreamTeam Selection
Duplicated Usernames
Electrical Power Line
Encrypted Contacts
Enigmath Machine
Episodio I: un acquisto difficile
Episodio II: un lungo viaggio
Episodio III: la coda per il buffet
Exam Room
Exam Session
Exatlon Battle
Excellent Numbers
Farmula 1
Festa Estiva
Festa di laurea
Fibonacci Colonies
Filiali bilanciate
Find the Treasure
Fire on a Tree
Flea on the Number Line
Flipping Coins
Flood Forecasting
Fontana del Porcellino
Forced Sales
Forgotten Pencil Case
Formiche, che soggetto!
Formula 1
Fractal graphs
Fuga da Varaždin
Funny Circuits
Gambling Assistant
Game of the Goose
Gasoline Stations
Gelati costosi
George Challenges the Dragon
Giardino di Budrio
Gossip Spreading
Graduation Card
Graduation Party
Grande Muraglia
Grattacieli commemorativi
Greedy Santa
Halloween Candies
Halloween Candies
Hashtag Yoda
High-Speed Railroad
Highway's Speed Limits
House of cards
IP Address
Il crescione perfetto
Imaginary Grasshopper
Improve the Team!
Improving Grades
Incontri inaspettati II
Independent House
Interesting Tree
Interrogazioni equilibrate
Interstellar Transmissions
Interval of XOR
Investing in Stocks
Italian Scopa
Juggling Shows
K-step Tree
Kalindrome Strings
Kill Those Bugs!
L33t H4xX0R
La camera dei cestini
La congettura di Collatz
La dieta di Poldo
La spartizione di Totò
Largest Rectangle
Lasciate Ogni Speranza
Late for Work
Le mura di Bergamo
Library of Binaria
Lightweight Ladder
Long Columns
Lotteria di quadri
Loud Snacks
Maybe you already know this problem
Mazzi di carte
Meal Tickets
Menù giapponese
Metro platforms
Mexican Standoff
Missioni segrete
Modern Art
Monete a posto
Monopoly Board Game
Montagne russe
Mozzarelle di bufala
Muffin Selection
Multiples of 3
Multiplication Practice
Musical Fight
Numero della cabala
Numerological prediction
Oil Field
Olympic cake
Oral exam
Orderly Evacuation
Oro, argento e bronzo
Palindromic Dreams
Parco avventura
Parser HTML
Passphrase Obfuscation
Pay That Box Again!
Pay That Box!
Pay That Box! Home Edition
Perfect Hyperrectangle
Persian Party
Picarats Collection
Pile of books
Pingpong Tournament
Playing with barrels
Police Investigation
Police Investigation 2
Police Investigation 3
Police Investigation 4
Police Investigation 5
Police Patrol 2
Pordenone Hill Sign
Pranzo dalla nonna
Precise Average
Precise Average 2
Primo permissivo
Problem Setting
Productivity Prize
Progressive Art
Pyramid Building
Quadrilateral Check
Quantum Brackets
RMI Results
Reading Papers
Reazione a candela
Rescaling Sequence
Reserved Seats
Rispetta i versi
Ropes Escape
Rubabandiera v2
Saddest friend
Sand Buckets
Save The Barrels
Secchi di noccioline
Secret Meeting
Sentieri bollenti
Sequenza di Pollatz
Server Farm
Shopping Malls
Small Keyboard
Smaltimento sostanze tossiche
Some Infection
Somme costose
Sort the Toy Cars
Soste in autostrada
Spesa lampo
Spinning Roulettes
Splitting the Bill
Spring Carnival
Stefan Mastering Chess
Strange Constellations
Sui tetti di Pisa
Super Marco
Super Marco 2
Swapping Brackets
Swapping Digits
Tesla Motors
The Floor is Lava
The Kabbalah Returns
Tieni aggiornato il catalogo
To The Finals
Torta di Compleanno
Tournament Planning
Traffic Congestion
Tris in solitaria 2
Trova il massimo
Trova il massimo
Trova la parità
Truffa contabile
Tuscan Peaks
UEFA Champions League
Unreadable Dates
Vetrate colorate
Via Aemilia
Water park
Wheel of Fortune
Wonderful Grove
Worst Exam Ever!
Ordinamento a paletta
Christmas Balls
Virus Sequencing
Pet Fair
Scrivere senza staccare la matita dal foglio
Old Typewriter
Public Transport
Robot programmabile
Cena di gala
Acronimi forzati
Excellent Numbers 2
Gondola network
Password generator
Police Patrol
Sfida all'ultimo pangramma
Multi-Layer Dictionary
Dangerous Flowers
Maintenance Planning
Training for the Marathon
City Redevelopment
Build a Bridge
Saturday Night Game
Board Game
A Magical Walks in a Magic Forest
Fibonacci Sequences
Innumerevoli progetti
Mysterious Sum
Periodic Words
Pulsating Radars
Unfair review
Destroy the Village
Pronounceable Words
Weak Hash Function
Insiemi nell'armadio
Sequence of Balls
Tulip Bouquets
Pila di monete
Tax Fraud Detection
Comune di Alleib
Forum Management
Memory exercises
Tris in solitaria
Diana and Numbers
Ordine online
Friendly Note
Practical Jokes
Construct Arrays
Historical revisionism
Piccioni in migrazione
Raccolta di cioccolatini
Tracce aliene
Sushi variegato
Plan for the Worst!
Good Intervals
Not Another Pet Fair
Case de lo commune
Duplicato mancante
Episodio IV: tracce di DNA
Johnnie Walker
Musical Notes